Voucher may be regarded as a proof for a customer who went through a transaction in a particular bank. If the customer deposit/withdrawal the money he gets a receipt for that transaction from the banker. In case he wants to enquire regarding his transaction is successful he can use this voucher as a proof to enquire in bank and he can get the updates on his transaction. It is also named as payment voucher.
Steps to be followed to print a Voucher
- Login to Quick Cheque with the user having privileges to print voucher.
- Navigate to Transactions menu and click Voucher button.
- A list of existing voucher will be opened up.
- If you would like to print a voucher for particular cheque number, double click on that number and voucher gets printed accordingly.
- There is a print button on the grid. You can also use this button to print voucher you selected.
- The voucher normally contains fields like Amount, Paid To, Sum of the Amount in Words, Cheque #, Bank, Date and the space for signing authorities such as Prepared by, Approved by and Received by.
Using the grid
A Grid is something which you will see on almost all screens of Quick Cheque. This primarily provides a listing of all data or records existing in Quick Cheque corresponding to a screen. On the grid you can see a button called Email. Through this option the voucher can be sent to the customer through email. Click on button Email and the voucher gets saved as a pdf and click send button. Your mail will be sent o the customer.
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This post applies to Lite,Premium & Enterprise Editions of Quick Cheque Release 4 & Release 5
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